Calling all lecturers!
Does your faculty’s language implementation plan call for interpreting in your module? Would you like to use interpreting to meet a pedagogical need, or to create a space for multilingual teaching and learning?
The short video below explains how you can easily make use of real-time online interpreting. Follow this step-by-step guide with clips showing the MS Teams set-up and what it looks like on the extended learning spaces (ELS) system in the classroom to get set up in under seven minutes.
Why is multilingualism important in teaching, learning and assessment?
Teaching and learning in different languages, for example in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa, as opposed to choosing only one language of teaching and learning, give students the opportunity to approach learning material from different perspectives and to find the way that resonates best with their learning style. It also allows for more voices to be heard authentically and is a critical enabler for students to co-create knowledge in the teaching and learning space.
For more information or to find out whether your module qualifies for interpreting, please contact Juanli Theron or Christine Joubert.