Your active vocabulary – the words you use – and the way you communicate may increase or decrease the extent of your influence and your chances of success. Here are ten ways to learn more words and be more successful in life.
Learn more words in your mother language:
1. Eat a dictionary. Yeah, that was a joke. But you could read one!
2. Be strategic about increasing your vocabulary and expanding your language ability. It will not happen by itself.
3. Talk to older people. They may have a huge active vocab. Learn from them.
4. Watch series and listen to podcasts. Take note of words you don’t yet use and write them down. Look them up. Take the plunge and start using them!
5. Use the privilege of reading: on the internet, newspapers, magazines and books. Start with topics that you like; it will work better for you and you’ll be more likely to continue reading.
6. Be curious about words. Look up those you don’t know and try to use them. Always guess prefixes and suffixes and then check. Play word games.
7. Be confident when you try out a new word. People will correct you if you get it wrong, but don’t get discouraged or intimidated. Next time you’ll use it correctly!
Learn more words in another language:
8. Expose yourself to a multilingual context. Go for diversity!
9. Talk to somebody without using any English. Try to make yourself clear.
10. Use all your resources: mother language speakers, technology, old-fashioned flash cards, our Language Learning Hub, discussion groups, movies with subtitles, and audiobooks or podcasts when you are commuting or even doing the dishes. Focus on topics that interest you and you’ll enjoy it more.
– by Ydalene Coetsee