Staff at the Language Centre decided to explore new pastures this year by hosting their first Non-Mother Tongue Day on 27 October: an initiative that forms part of the Centre’s #mymultilingualism campaign.
Colleagues were split into five groups, and each group was assigned a language to represent – Arabic, Dutch, Sotho, Italian and French were the order of the day. Well, languages were not so much assigned as drawn from a hat. In the hat were other indigenous and major world languages.
The five groups prepared a short presentation on ‘their’ language and went all out on the day by providing all kinds of edible goodies from the culture associated with the language.
After much fun, laughs and tasting, the judges announced Dutch as the overall winner (whether the beer the Dutch group provided had any influence, we’ll never know!).
We’ll keep you updated on other exciting events in our #mymultilingualism campaign in 2017 – perhaps you’ll join us?