South African Sign Language – Beginner Level 1A

R6 900

Would you like to communicate with Deaf colleagues and clients in South African Sign Language? Take the first step and experience an expert in action!

This practical short course will introduce you to South African Sign Language (SASL). The course consists of interactive face-to-face sessions during which the presenter teaches introductory aspects of SASL, involving practical exercises and some explanation of language use. This will enable you to take part in basic conversations related to everyday life.

We will expect you to practise the language using video material available online and to work in pairs or small groups functioning as a check for each other. Certain sessions will be facilitated with the support of South African Sign Language interpreting, and course material is available in English.

2025 course dates

13 March – 26 June (apply by 13 Mar)

Downloadable documents

2025 Info page
2025 Infoblad
2025 Comms Lab course calendar


Susan (Modiegi) Njeyiyana is a Deaf poet and academic who recently obtained her master’s in linguistics. Her first poem was ‘June 16th’, followed by ‘Bear Wash Day’, and her poetry inspired many Deaf poets to explore new ideas. Her creativity also exposed Deaf children to poetry and storytelling in their own language. Susan is currently a lecturer at Stellenbosch University and teaches South African Sign Language Acquisition as additional language to hearing students.

Zulfah Shabodien is multilingual and uses SASL as her first language. She has been facilitating training and managing projects in the SASL field for well over 10 years and is passionate about sharing her language and culture with those who are keen to learn. Her footprint in the broader Deaf community includes working with various organisations to promote cultural activities by and for the Deaf community, and promoting inclusion in both the hearing and Deaf communities by empowering people through awareness, thereby uplifting both communities. She has been involved in helping to develop material for SASL as a school subject and is still involved in various other SASL projects. She has been co-lecturing first-year SASL acquisition with Modiegi Njeyiyana since 2019.


The 12 face-to-face sessions will take place in the Seminar Room of the Language Centre, Kleine Bosch, 44 Banhoek Road, Stellenbosch from 14:00 to 16:00 on specific dates.

Any questions?

Contact Michelle Pieters at or 021 808 2812 for more details.

You could also discuss your specific short-course and development needs with us. Enquire about our available short courses, course dates and options for tailor-making a course.

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