Research on Google Translate

Recent news
Click here for an article about research by the Language Centre on the quality of translations by Google Translate. The same texts were translated by Google Translate, a professional translator…
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English test

Recent news
If you are an international student and want to take a language course at the Language Centre, click here to test your level of English proficiency. If you would like…
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Mind your language!

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That’s what we at the Language Service are all about. We mind your language, making sure that what you wish to communicate is done so appropriately, accurately and correctly. Bear…
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A decade of service

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Looking back over the past ten years we must thank our enthusiastic Language Centre team for all their hard work and dedication. As an institution involved in language planning we…
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In the media

Recent news
Die Burger talks to prof De Stadler, director of the Language Centre. The article Taal, Bob Dylan & ’n Harley is available on the newspaper’s website and you can view it here.
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Become a consultant

Recent news
Part-time consultant positions are available at the SU Language Centre’s Writing Laboratory for postgraduate students registered at the University of Stellenbosch.  Preference is given to M and D students. Students…
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