

EyeBrainGym TM (EBG) is a unique online solution that is aimed to develop visual skills to improve both your visual processing and language and reading comprehension to stimulate cognitive processing and brain plasticity. EBG is designed as a battery of games to boost agility.

Assess your skill level

This online solution evaluates your skill level and compiles a tailor-made Game Plan with various lessons, including individualised exercises, to help the neural networks in the brain grow stronger and more efficient. EBG assesses your skill level and automatically presents games and exercises specifically created for your individual profile.

Improve your problem-solving skills

EBG will help you improve problem-solving skills and related concepts, and will improve your ability to reason and plan. The battery of games will strengthen your executive functions, and increase your mental acuity and vitality. It also kick-starts neural regeneration and re-connection and will promote life-long learning and cognitive energy. Exercises in the system assist the brain in finding a way to be successful in connecting background knowledge to current or new information.

EBG games are used in specific sequence and intervals with researched weights and time-slots in order to achieve targeted outcomes regarding visual processing, language, reading with comprehension and cognitive skills development. The aim is to develop a coherent mind in order to achieve improved interaction with visual information through enhanced visual and cognitive abilities.

Do targeted exercises

EBG will help you perform a complete visual processing, reading, and cognitive assessment and then provide you with a targeted set of personalised exercises to improve your visual intelligence. These interactive exercises are available online, accessible on PC, laptop, tablet or any smart device, and are presented as fun brain games. After the completion of each session you can access your results through real-time reporting.

Contact us

For more information or to start doing EyeBrainGymTM please contact Marisca Coetzee (021 808 2811).

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