Masebelane: IsiXhosa for staff

Price: Fully subsidised for SU staff

Masabelane ngesiXhosa! That means, ‘Let us share in isiXhosa’. We are inviting you to come and share in the language and culture of isiXhosa during your lunch hour. We offer four eight-week courses for beginners (two one-hour sessions per week, 13:00 to 14:00), open to Stellenbosch University staff members. For staff who have completed the beginner course, we offer two twelve-week courses (two one-hour sessions per week, 13:00 to 14:00).

Masabelane A1 (Beginner) is aimed at staff members who have not attended an isiXhosa course before, and you are bound to have fun while you learn. The course aims to teach you about the isiXhosa language and culture, and to enable you to engage in meaningful conversation at beginner level. By doing this course you will be actively cultivating a multilingual mindset in the office and in class.

Masabelane A2 (Elementary) is a brand-new short course aimed at staff members with a beginner’s knowledge of isiXhosa. It is the ideal follow-up course if you have completed the original Masabelane course and would like to further your knowledge of the language. If you haven’t attended Masabelane but you already know a bit of isiXhosa, you’re also welcome here. This is a fun-filled course offering you a linguistic and cultural taste of isiXhosa as a language in a wider cultural context. By the end of the course you should be able to speak social isiXhosa with confidence and identify the gist of social conversations. You will also have knowledge of basic isiXhosa grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

2025 course dates

Masabelane Beginner A1
4 February – 26 March 2025
8 April – 28 May 2025
15 July – 3 September 2025
16 September- 5 November 2025

Masabelane Elementary A2
24 March – 12 June 2025
18 August – 6 November 2025


Stembele Johnson is a young and dynamic isiXhosa lecturer.  She enjoys sharing her love for the isiXhosa language and its culture with her students, and she believes that learning a new language connects people from different cultures and creates a space for people to grow. She enjoys helping her students become part of a broader isiXhosa culture in an encouraging learning and teaching environment.


All sessions will be offered in Stellenbosch at the University campus.

Any questions?

For questions about registration, e-mail Christa Kavungo or phone 021 808 2905.

For questions about the course content, e-mail Stembele Johnson.

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