English: A gateway to the world

Dialogos, Recent news
EFL (English Foreign Language), ESP (English for Specific Purposes), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) – these are examples of the many common abbreviations one hears on the Stellenbosch University…
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A home for the Writing Lab!

We could have used this article to boast about our astonishing statistics, but we decided a spot of nostalgia would be more in order, as we find ourselves celebrating two…
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Promoting African languages

The Unit for isiXhosa has a twofold function of advancing Xhosa by means of terminology development and offering basic language-acquisition courses to students, university staff and private individuals. To date,…
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Addressing our Nightmare

South Africa is a challenging place. Our Constitution is a dream: equity; democracy; diversity. Our reality is nightmarish: inequality; sectorial dominance; increasing monolingualisation. How do we bridge this gap? How…
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