Dr Arné Binneman
Head: Multilingual Learning
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies and Language Learning Hub
| Tel: 021 808 9731
Eduard de Kock
Interpreter and facilitator
Interpreting Service and Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 4184
Erica George
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 2695
Faika Haroun
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 9102
Fiona Stanford
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 2798
Helga Sykstus
Lecturer and coordinator
Language Learning Hub and Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 4004
Jeanene Olivier
Administrative officer
Language and Communication Development
| Tel: 021 808 9015
Madelé du Plessis
Lecturer and blended learning coordinator
Academic literacies
| Tel: 021 808 3485
Marisca Coetzee
Lecturer and coordinator
Reading Lab and Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 2811
Nanette Nortje
Interpreter, SASLI liaison and facilitator
Interpreting Service, SASL and Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 4184
Nawaal Jansen
Operations and finance officer
Language Centre
| Tel: 021 808 9096
Susan van Zyl-Bekker
Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 2905
Vernita Beukes
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies and Afrikaans courses
| Tel: 021 808 2636
Jadey Sass
Lecturer and coordinator
Academic Literacies
| Tel: 021 808 3267
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